How A 24-Hour Call Answering Service Can Help Your Business

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How A 24-Hour Call Answering Service Can Help Your Business

11 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Does your business see an especially high volume of phone calls throughout the day? Does the phone keep ringing sometimes even after you are closed for the day and trying to go home? If so, your company might stand to benefit by working with a 24-hour call answering service. Here is why you should reach out to such a service as soon as possible.

Never Miss an Opportunity Day or Night

If you want to keep growing your business, you need to keep finding new customers. When someone calls your store or office, they are likely already interested in what you have to offer but are seeking more information. If no one answers the phone or if they are on hold for a long time, they might not call again, opting to contact one of your competitors instead. With a 24-hour answering service, you can make contact with that customer no matter what time of day or what day of the week it is. This initial contact will at least help maintain interest until you or an employee can get back to them.

Keep Your Workers Off the Phone and Focused on Their Tasks

A 24-hour answering service can also be quite helpful to your daily operations even when you business is open and your workers are capable of answering the phone themselves. If you send all incoming calls to the answering service first, the service may be able to filter out calls that would just waste your time. This will also free up your workers to stay focused on their day-to-day job instead of always running to the phone.

Provide at Least Some Level of Customer Service Around the Clock

When you work with a 24-hour call answering service, they will work with you to figure out what questions are most commonly asked by customers. Then, the person that answers for you or perhaps an automated system can help provide the customer with at least basic information about your company or a certain product. This could encourage the customer to come into your store for more information during business hours.

Outsourcing to a Phone Service Might Save You Money

The other option here would be of course to just hire someone to answer phones full-time. But when you hire a full-time employee, you will likely also have to pay for health benefits, a retirement plan contribution, and so on. Using an external service will save you money because you will only pay for amount of time or the number of calls that come in.

To learn more, contact a company like AnSer.